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   Vol. 69/No. 41           October 24, 2005  
Great Society
Who hires the ‘experts’?—Housing, jobs, education, child care. The needs don’t begin to scratch the surface in the wake of the storms. But from the outset those who are on the take have been busy. “Already money is being wasted, experts say,” reports the Miami Herald. A top federal cash dispenser bleats: “There’s no doubt, no question, there’s going to be fraud, waste, abuse.” There already has been.

Cops? Hardly Ever—“New Orleans Police Investigate Possible Looting by Officers”—Hurricane news headline.

Irish youth moving ahead—A poll in Ireland confirmed a dramatic drop in Catholic church attendance—particularly by young people, between 18 and 24. A report from Dublin, capital of Ireland, said that among youth two out of 10 attend services. This shrinkage is attributed to the revelations of sex abuse scandals among the clergy. The survey reached more than 1,000 people, young and old.

They love humanity—According to the National Catholic Reporter, Rev. Robert Cushing was cut off from his Georgia parish because he went to Japan to apologize to the people there on the 60th year after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Cushing declared the U.S. war against Japan was “unjust,” sparking the demands for his ouster.

A filthy racist—You would think that some “liberal” Congress member would demand a warrant to lock William Bennett behind bars. Recently, he spewed racist venom on his weekly radio call-in program, “Good Morning America.” Replying to a caller on crime, Bennett exhibited a diseased tongue and dented brain. His caller asked why crime is dropping.

Bennett replied, “I do know that it’s true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could…abort every Black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down.” In Congress, several Democrats suggested that Bennett “apologize.”  
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