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   Vol. 69/No. 41            October 24, 2005 
Militant Labor Forums

War and Trade Unions in the Epoch of Imperialism: Some Experiences from World War II and the Korean War. A Benefit for the Socialist Workers Party-Building Fund.

Speaker: Tom Leonard, veteran leader of the SWP who sailed as a merchant seaman at the end of World War II.
Sun. Oct. 23, Luncheon, noon; program, 1 p.m.
2791 Lakewood Ave. SW.
Tel: 404-768-1709.

The Place of the Revolutionary Party in the Struggle for Socialism. Benefit for the Socialist Workers Party-Building Fund.

Fri. Oct. 21. Dinner 7 p.m.; program, 8 p.m.
307 W. 36th Street, 10th Floor (north elevators).
Tel: 212-649-2249.

Thirty-fifth Anniversary of Ottawa's Sending Troops to Quebec under War Measures Act; Ten Years After 1995 Referendum on Quebec Sovereignty: Why Question of Quebec's Independence Remains at Center of Politics in Canada.

Speaker: Michel Prairie, Communist League.
Fri. Oct. 21. Dinner, 6:30 p.m.; program, 7:30 p.m.
Donation: $5 program, $5 dinner.
2238 Dundas St. #201.
Tel: 416-535-9140

Cuba, Venezuela, and Washington: The Sharpening Conflict in the Americas

Speaker, Annalucia Vermunt, Communist League.
Fri. Oct. 21, 7 p.m.
287 Selwyn Street, Spreydon
Tel: 03-365-6055.

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