At the Pathfinder stand readers purchased 59 books and pamphlets, the majority in French. In addition, 19 people signed up for introductory subscriptions to the Militant. One young reader, having subscribed to the Militant the day before, thought it over and came back the next day for the two new issues of Nouvelle Internationale, whose feature articles are “Capitalism’s Long Hot Winter Has Begun” and “Our Politics Start with the World.”
Four college students came and spent about an hour looking over the books and discussing them with the volunteers at the booth. Two of the students signed up for the Militant, one buying The Working Class and the Transformation of Learning in French, the other an issue o f Nouvelle Internationale no. 7. They explained that they would later exchange the books among themselves. Many new subscribers were young people who asked to be contacted when Militant supporters from Toronto came back to Quebec.
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