ST. PAUL, Minnesota—Supporters of the Militant and the UMWA fight to unionize the Co-Op mine from this area have been able to win new endorsers for the Militant Fighting Fund among mechanics on strike against Northwest Airlines and their supporters. Mike Klemm, the national strike captain and a member of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) Local 33 here, has signed on. Karen Schultz, the communications coordinator of the Professional Flight Attendants Association who has spoken in solidarity with the AMFA strike at solidarity rallies here, is now also an endorser and has contributed to the fund.
Two supporters of the Militant Fighting Fund in the Twin Cities also attended a Human Rights Day event in Rochester, Minnesota, in December, sponsored by the Southeast Minnesota Central Labor Council. After giving some information on the case to organizers of the event, a supporter of the Militant was invited to speak about the case to the 25 people present. After the presentation, Russell Hess, president of the Labor Council, and Wesley Urevig, president of Southeast Minnesota Building and Trades, endorsed the case.
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