Isn’t socialism a burning need? (No cheap puns)—“South Dakota—Below-zero temperatures and high energy costs are making for tough times on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Natalie Hand, who leads a private foundation that distributes food, clothing and heat assistance, says every night someone sleeps without heat. The Oglala Sioux Tribe says its energy assistance office is stretched to help residents.”
Chip chip, Chop chop—“As companies look to control costs, even healthy employers are freezing or terminating their pension plans in a sign the time-honored retirement system is increasingly chipped away.”
Eat your dinner on the card—“Hospital bills—but with interest. Now patients who can’t pay, or who have high deductibles, can get credit cards specifically for medical care. But the rates can reach 23%.”—Los Angeles Times.
“Dear Old Golden Rule Days”—In Phoenix, Arizona, a school psychologist and a principal are alleged to have handcuffed a child, eight, and compelled the child to drink medicine before her classmates.
Looking for easy work?—If so, send clippings to: Great Society, Pathfinder Books 4229 S. Central Ave. Los Angeles, CA. 90027. Many thanks.
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