Reports continue to come in of dozens of subscriptions sold at rallies by working people demanding legal status for undocumented immigrants. Heres a note from Newark, New Jersey. Ten percent of those present at the march of 1,500 bought the Militant, wrote Mike Taber, a supporter of the paper there. He was part of a team that sold the Militant at an April 23 rally for immigrant rights in Newark. We sold a total of 43 subscriptions and another 120 people bought copies. Several of the subscriptions were sold after Nancy Rosenstock, the Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor of Newark, addressed the rally. In her remarks she urged people to read the Militant.
Partisans of the Militant are gearing up to build and participate in more such mobilizations. Many have ordered extra-large bundles of the paper to get it out to the thousands who will be joining actions on May 1 around the country.
At the same time, supporters of the Militant are also campaigning to raise $90,000 in a drive that concludes the same day as the circulation effortMay 28. At the conclusion of the first week, the weekly collection needed to keep the drive on schedule is behind. In cities where fund supporters have gotten a jump on fund-raising and reached out broadly, however, the response has been promising.
In Atlanta, supporters of the Militant have collected more than one-third of their $4,000 local quota. Barbara Bowman, who is organizing the fund drive there, described how they were able to get the effort off to a good start. Each potential contributor received a copy of the initial appeal as soon as it was available, Bowman wrote. We followed up with phone calling and face-to-face discussions on the importance of funding the work of the Militant. We made sure to discuss not only each individuals contribution, but a schedule of payments and the importance of getting the funds in right away. These modest steps resulted in a good initial collection.
Supporters of the fund in Atlanta sent in $1,415 in the first weekputting them at the top of the chartand they have $3,300 pledged.
To be on course to reach $90,000 by May 28, the Militant needs to receive another $23,000 by next Wednesday, May 3, and $15,000 per week from then on. With a concerted effort this is possible. Please send funds to the Militant at 306 W. 37th St., 10th floor, New York, NY 10018.
Click here to see the sub drive scoreboard.
Click here to see the 'Militant' fund drive chart