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   Vol. 70/No. 42           November 6, 2006  
Militant Fund
supporters sent in $12,500 in week six of the eight-week fund drive. That leaves just over $33,000 to be sent in the next two weeks to meet the $90,000 goal to pay for reporting trips and operating costs.

The number of U.S. cities on target to make their quota increased from two to five this week as Des Moines, Birmingham, and San Francisco joined Washington D.C. and Boston, the only two on schedule last week.

Fundraising events are helping the campaign. Cindy Jacquith, a Militant correspondent in Iran during the Iranian revolution in 1979 and subsequent years, spoke October 21 at a forum in Atlanta on “The Middle East, Capitalism’s World Disorder, and Prospects for Revolutionary Change.” The event raised most of the $1,100 sent in from Atlanta last week.

At an event in Seattle the same day, at which Tom Leonard, a longtime leader of the Socialist Workers Party and former merchant seaman during World War II, spoke, over $900 in contributions and new pledges were raised.

Please send contributions to the Militant at the address listed on page 2.

Click here to see the fund chart

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