The title, published by Diethnes Vima, contains a Dec. 2, 2005, speech by Castro on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Cuban mission to Angola as well as excerpts of speeches by Nelson Mandela and Castro at a 1991 Havana rally. The material explains the historic significance of Cubas internationalist solidarity in helping Angola defeat the invading forces of apartheid South Africa and accelerating the demise of the apartheid system.
More than 40 guests attended the meeting at the Cuban embassy. The event also commemorated the anniversary of the return of the remains of 3,000 Cubans who fell in combat during internationalist missions in Africa, and the 50th anniversary of the landing of the yacht Granma in Cuba, which launched the 1956-58 revolutionary war there.
The meeting was chaired by Cuban cultural attaché Ana Rosa Rojas. Speakers included ambassador Hermes Herrera Hernández; Costas Toumasatos, president of the Greek-Cuban Friendship Society, and Natasha Terlexis, president of Diethnes Vima.
Thirteen copies of the newest book were purchased at the reception along with five other titles on the Cuban Revolution. Following the meeting the Greek-Cuban Friendship Society ordered 100 copies. Nine Athens bookstores have ordered 39 copies. Volunteers and friends of Diethnes Vima attended a dinner October 21 at a restaurant in downtown Athens to celebrate the publication of this and other recent titles. These include a new edition of The Changing Face of U.S. Politics: Working-Class Politics and the Unions by Jack Barnes, and The Revolution Betrayed by Leon Trotsky.
Giorgos Simopolos, who translated the new title on Cuba and Africa and helped prepare the title by Trotsky, opened the gathering saying, "Cuba's selfless internationalist aid goes to the heart of what the Cuban Revolution is all about advancing the struggle of working people worldwide."
Participants at the dinner purchased eight books, bringing sales of the three new titles to nearly 100 ordered at bookstores and 24 from tables at political events. Terlexis reported plans to field sales teams to northern Greece and to Cyprus.
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