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   Vol. 71/No. 2           January 15, 2007  
Pinochet I
Just a suggestion. How about an article on Pinochet? I was in Buenos Aires when he died, and the press there, as well as most people I talked with, seemed most interested in celebrating the death of a tyrant, with the implication that Chileans are now safe.

The other thing that might be worth pointing out is that despite the fact that Pinochet is now a bit of an embarrassment to most political figures in Chile, including most spokespeople for big companies, they all revel in at least one part of his legacy: the destruction of the social “safety net” and the implementation of the “Chicago school” of economic strategy.

Gordon Fox
Tampa, Florida
Pinochet II
I think it would be useful to have something in the Militant about Pinochet. Maybe a reprint of a Militant article from September 1973.

Dan Fein
New York, New York
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