Vol. 71/No. 8 February 26, 2007
I think its a healthy thing when an oppressed people learn to distrust the police force of their rulers and I dont believe that any number of Sinn Fein statements can reverse that consciousness among Irish people in the north of Ireland.
I consider myself a supporter of the Irish struggle and I would very much appreciate any help in trying to understand what the latest move by Sinn Fein means for working people around the world and those who support the rights of self-determination of oppressed people.
Natan Mosquera
United Kingdom
Undocumented workers
Your coverage of the fight of undocumented workers is superb. Keep it up. This struggle, I think, will determine what happens in working-class politics in this country. These workers are the most oppressed and perhaps the most militant.
The immigrant workers and their allies will be among those most interested in joining a revolutionary movement. If other workers are turned against them, as the capitalists would like, the labor movement will suffer catastrophically. The Militant seems to be one of the few papers that have the correct position. And most importantly, you are actively involved.
Jeanne Corvan
Hartford, Connecticut
I feel the nature of capitalism has changed in the last few years to serve only the ruling classes and to shortchange the workers. My taxes are going up, but the rich pay less.
Robert Keith
Plymouth, Massachusetts
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