Vol. 71/No. 12 March 26, 2007
News articles
Iraq war escalation to last into next year
Washington ups pressure on Iran, Syria
New Bedford factory raid sparks outrage, protests
Immigration cops grab 360 at leather plant;
March 17 rally to back arrested workers
300 at Vancouver event discuss book on Chinese Cubans in Cuban Revolution
Protests meet U.S. president during Latin America tour
U.S. rulers use visit to expand continent’s plunder
First worker of those arrested at Swift convicted of ‘identity theft’
How Cuban toilers established workers state
They met each blow by Washington, Cuban bosses with a revolutionary counterblow
More Australian troops head to Iraq
Berlin calls for bringing ‘missile shield’ under NATO
Workers in Cactus, Texas, respond to ‘migra’ raids
Chicago protest: No to raids and deportations!
(photo box)
‘Militant’ well received by Texas meat packers
(photo box)
‘Guest’ workers at U.S. farms superexploited
On the Picket Line
Imprisoned Palestinian rights supporter on hunger strike
Neo-Nazi march organizer was FBI informer
25, 50 and 75 years ago
N.Y. event discusses book by Chinese-Cuban generals
Federation of Cuban Women leaders speak in N.Y.
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