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Vol. 71/No. 19      May 14, 2007

Steady progress made on 'Militant' fund drive
Supporters of the Militant sent in nearly $11,600 in the fourth week of the paper's eight-week, $100,000 fund drive. The campaign also picked up an extra $1,600 in pledges, with supporters in Chicago, Miami, and Philadelphia all increasing their quotas.

Omari Musa, local fund director in Miami, noted that the money being sent in this week from that city included donations from first-time contributors, Militant subscribers who are members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local.

This registers steady progress in closing the gap between what's been collected and where we need to be to be on target. The drive continues to lag slightly behind schedule, currently about $4,000 short of being at the $50,000 half-way mark. The momentum from the May Day actions can be used to get ahead.

Please send contributions payable to the Militant and earmarked "Fund Drive" to 306 W. 37th St., 10th Floor, New York, NY 10018.

Click here to see the fund drive chart

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