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Vol. 71/No. 35        September 24, 2007


Militant Labor Forums

The Isquierdo Case: Oppose the State of Florida's Attempt to Deny Child Custody to a Parent in Cuba.

Speakers: Andrés Gómez, Antonio Maceo Brigade; Ruth Robinett, Socialist Workers Party.
Fri., Sept. 21. Dinner, 6:30 pm; program, 7:30 pm.
8365 NE 2nd Ave., Suite 206.
Tel.: (305) 756-4436.

Free the Cuban Five! Speaker: Nancy Rosenstock, Socialist Workers Party.

Fri., Sept. 21, 8 p.m.
168 Bloomfield Ave., 2nd Fl.
Tel.: (973) 481-0077.

The Political Legacy of Thomas Sankara.
Speakers: Mike Taber, Socialist Workers Party; Ingrid Franco, Young Socialists.
Fri., Sept. 28. Dinner, 7:00 p.m.; program, 8 p.m.
168 Bloomfield Ave., 2nd Fl.
Tel.: (973) 481-0077.

Free the Cuban Five!

Speaker: Tim Mailhot, Socialist Workers Party.
Fri., Sept. 21. Dinner, 7 p.m.; program, 8 p.m.
3717-B Georgia Ave.
Tel: (202) 536-5080.

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