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Vol. 71/No. 36      October 1, 2007

Socialist candidates campaign at Australia protest
SYDNEY, Australia—Alasdair Macdonald and Ron Poulsen, Communist League candidates in the upcoming federal elections, campaigned at a September 8 protest here against the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit.

Some 10,000 people joined the demonstration. The right to protest became a key issue as a massive police operation was mounted to lock down half the city center during the APEC forum. The forum was attended by government leaders from the 21 APEC member states, including U.S. president George Bush.

“We call for the repeal of all ‘antiterror’ laws, say no to special police powers, and defend the right to protest,” said Poulsen, campaigning at the demonstration. “We also call for an end to the federal government’s takeover of Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory.”

Rows of cops lined the march route, blocking every side street with riot buses. Backed up with a water cannon purchased for the event, the police cordoned off the park where the final rally was held. The New South Wales government said the security “overkill” was necessary “to protect our city.” Despite police warnings of a violent protest, the march was largely peaceful. The protest had as its official demands “Bring the troops home”; “Defend workers’ rights”; and “Stop global warming.” It was organized by the Stop Bush Coalition.

Prior to the APEC summit, Bush and Prime Minister John Howard announced agreements to strengthen the close military alliance between the United States and Australia. Bush also met with Labor Party opposition leader Kevin Rudd, who calls for scaling down Australian forces in Iraq. Bush said it was impossible to separate the war in Iraq from the war in Afghanistan, which Labor supports.

“The Communist League demands the immediate withdrawal of Australian and all ‘coalition’ troops from Iraq, Afghanistan, and all other theaters of the so-called war on terror,” said Poulsen. “And we call for all Australian troops and cops out of East Timor and the Pacific.” He encouraged protesters to attend a Militant Labor Forum that evening opposing Australian and New Zealand imperialist intervention in the Pacific.

Macdonald, 26, a meat packer and member of the Australasian Meat Industry Employees’ Union, pointed to the number of youth who had joined the protest. “To the young people here today who want to fight against war, racism, police brutality, and the destruction of the environment, I explain that these are the consequences of capitalism. I encourage young fighters to join the Communist League campaign.

“We join protests to demand the repeal of the antiunion WorkChoices laws and to fight for safe working conditions. We say that safety is a union question—no worker has to die on the job,” Macdonald said. Macdonald was asked about climate change, one of the issues being discussed at APEC. He answered that it is the bosses who are responsible for destroying the environment in their never-ending quest for profits.  
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