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Vol. 71/No. 37      October 8, 2007

Racist vandalism
Saw a story about the vandalism at your Chicago office. Glad to see y’all writing on and being active in the Jena Six movement. I’m a Solidarity member from New Orleans and we had some comrades at the rally as well. Unfortunately, I’m out of the country and having to watch the movement unfold digitally. Guess this e-mail is really just to send some comradely greetings up y’all’s way and say keep up the necessary work.

Enku Ide
by e-mail

Militant does great job
I subscribe to the Militant and would like to order five extra copies of the September 17, 2007, issue. Please convey to the Militant staff what a great job they do.

The Militant is the best news publication in print in the United States that I’m aware of that informs and strengthens working people in their struggle. Please be aware of the great service that you perform.

Michael Smith
Cincinnati, Ohio

The letters column is an open forum for all viewpoints on subjects of interest to working people. Please keep your letters brief. Where necessary they will be abridged. Please indicate if you prefer that your initials be used rather than your full name.  
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