Vol. 71/No. 46 December 10, 2007
We expect to go still further over the top as more contributions arrive. All donations received by November 28 will be counted in the final scoreboard, which will be printed in next weeks issue.
Supporters of the Militant in Canada surpassed their goal by nearly $2,000. In San Francisco, partisans of the socialist newsweekly raised their goal by $500 heading into the last week, and say they expect to go well over their new goal of $11,500.
In Newark, New Jersey, supporters of the Militant raised nearly $300 above their quota of $3,500, reported local fund director Brian Williams. Among the 32 individuals contributing to the fund in that city were several workers at a garment plant in Elizabeth, New Jersey. A worker at a meatpacking plant where socialists distribute the Militant contributed $25. An activist who attended the September 20 demonstration of tens of thousands in Louisiana demanding Justice for the Jena Six and then participated in a Militant Labor Forum on the protest purchased a Militant subscription and donated $65 to the fund.
In Pittsburgh, supporters of the Militant surpassed their goal of $3,500 in the final week. Ryan Scott, a garment worker there, said supporters of the paper organized meetings with readersfrom Cleveland to Charleston, West Virginia, to Southwestern Pennsylvania.
Two of the newest contributors were youth in Pittsburgh. One, a student at the University of Pittsburgh, contributed $20 and bought a Pathfinder Readers Club membership. A young worker renewed his subscription to the Militant for a year along with his contribution.
The money raised will be put to good use. The Militant depends on donations from its readers to cover basic operating expenses like printing and shipping, and to field reporting trips all over the world. Coverage like the recent articles on the Venezuela International Book Fair is only possible because of donations by workers, farmers, and young people who value the socialist newsweekly.
To donate, contact local distributors or send checks payable to the Militant to the address listed on page 2.
Click here to see the fund drive chart