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Vol. 72/No. 12      March 24, 2008

25, 50 and 75 years ago
March 25, 1983
MIAMI—Cops in Liberty City here went on another rampage two nights in a row in the Black community March 13 and 14. Thirty-one Black youths were arrested the first night, 50 the second.

Their crime? Attending weekend street discos at African Square Park on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.

Anger against cops runs high here. At least five Blacks have been murdered by cops in the last six months. On March 13 they also killed a Cuban in Little Havana.

The latest Black victim, 22-year-old Donald Harp, was killed by a Dade County cop March 4. The cop shot Harp in the chest.  
March 24, 1958
An American bomber which accidentally hurled an atomic bomb on March 11, lacked only the fuse necessary to transform Florence, South Carolina, into a nuclear-horror crematory. As it is, the blast scattered plutonium while exploding TNT, which ripped a hole 75 feet wide and 35 feet deep, injuring six persons, including four children.

The detonation was felt over a radius of one mile, but its significance, dramatizing the U.S. government’s ever readiness to visit massive nuclear “retaliation” on peoples whose social system it doesn’t favor, was felt around the world.

The first answer is to take the A and H-bomb out of the hands of the military and scrap the entire nuclear-weapons stock-pile.  
March 25, 1933
CHICAGO—The famous Kincaid battle between Peabody’s company thugs, scab miners, all armed for battle and the pickets of the Progressive Miners Union has been shifted to the court struggle for the moment. The result of this fight in which fifty pickets were attacked by two hundred thugs and scabs, has been the indictment of 54 members of the PMA and the Women’s Auxiliary charged with law violations of various kinds.

Twenty-two of the indicted miners are under charges of murder or double murder.

It becomes increasingly clear that Peabody Coal Company in alliance with the UMWA and the state forces are intent upon gaining convictions in this case.  
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