Vol. 72/No. 12 March 24, 2008
Moriarity joined SWP candidate for vice president Alyson Kennedy and SWP candidate for governor Chris Hoeppner at the parking lot entrance February 7 to campaign for the socialist alternative. Democratic Party candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were in Seattle campaigning the same day.
More than half of the 150 workers at the warehouse are temp workers placed by Volt Temporary Services. Moriarity was one of those. She is known on the job as a supporter of the Militant newspaper and of the Socialist Workers Party candidates.
Moriarity said that Unionbay management claimed a half-dozen people had come forward to say she had been stealing food from the food truck. No proof was ever presented nor was Moriarity given an opportunity to respond to the false accusations before being fired.
Moriarity and seven coworkers spoke to the driver of the food truck the day after she was fired. He said he knew of no problem and that the company had come to him. He said he had told the company he didnt know anything about it or who they were talking about and was apologetic that Moriarity had been fired.
The reaction of many workers has been disbelief. Thats out of character, said one worker.
I think the company was worried because Kennedy was out there talking about the need for a union, said Frank Chambliss, another worker. What bothers me is there is no due process. We have no union, so the company can do almost anything they want.
Worker Jim Bynum helped organize a delegation to Volt to report what the driver said. Volt manager Carla Voss said that the decision was made by Unionbay management.
Discussions about the firing went on all day long the day after Moriarity was fired. People should be able to support any candidate they want, said one coworker, not buying the companys accusations of stealing.
One week later, Voss called Moriarity to tell her that because coworkers had come forward in your defense, Volt had looked into the facts, and will find you a new job placement but not at Unionbay. Moriarity has accepted the offer by Volt to take a new job.
Hoeppner, who also works at Unionbay, has been talking with his coworkers about why this is a partial victory. The socialist campaign will not be intimidated and will continue to get out the working class alternative to the twin capitalist parties of war, racism, and increasing unemployment, he said.
John Naubert works at Unionbay.
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