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Vol. 72/No. 17      April 28, 2008

25, 50 and 75 years ago
April 29, 1983
SEASIDE, California—Enraged by a proposal to make St. George’s, Grenada, a sister city of Seaside, a handful of right-wing members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion attended the April 7 Seaside City Council meeting.

Grenada, a small Caribbean island of 110,000 mostly English-speaking Blacks, overthrew a U.S.-British-backed dictatorship in March 1979.

Speaking at the city council meeting for American Legion Post 591, Roy Daniels bellowed, “The American Legion has formed a task force to ensure that Americanism is not being abrogated.”

City Council member Mel Mason initiated the sister-city proposal. He is a leader of the Socialist Workers Party.  
April 28, 1958
The brink-of-war policy of the U.S. State Department is no mere diplomatic exercise.

On an unspecified number of occasions, sections of the 3,000-plane Strategic Air Command have been sped into the air for the launching of World War III. So far, they have turned back on learning in time that radar images of “attacking” Soviet planes were caused by meteorites or other natural disturbances.

[Secretary of State] Dulles testified that the “only serious danger” of a Soviet attack lies in the chance that it might misunderstand U.S. intentions. Could there be any greater basis for such a “misunderstanding” than H-bomb-laden jets approaching Soviet borders?  
April 29, 1933
The working class faces May Day this year in the midst of a wave of international reaction. With bestial brutality bloody Fascism has smashed the proudest, the best organized, the traditionally strongest working class of capitalist Europe—the German proletariat.

Austria, a small country but a tremendous citadel of working-class power, stands next in order.

On May 1st the whole world must know that every section, tendency and shade of the revolutionary and labor movement can stand together. In the U.S. the great battle for the release of Tom Mooney and freedom for the Scottsboro boys will be given a tremendous impetus when the proletariat fills streets in its serried ranks on May 1st.  
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