Vol. 72/No. 17 April 28, 2008
In welcoming remarks Michel Prairie, the organizer of the CL in Montreal, explained that in February the organization moved its headquarters from Toronto to Montreal because of openings here to build and recruit to the communist movement. In part this greater opening in Quebec is a product of the national and social struggles that took place here over several decades, Prairie said.
Prairie pointed to the recently concluded student strike at the University of Quebec at Montreal and the lockout of workers at Petro-Canada. The workers have maintained around-the-clock picket lines since their fight began in mid-November. Workers at both the Cintas laundry and the Tommy Hilfiger distribution center in the Montreal area succeeded in recent months in organizing into UNITE HERE and are currently fighting for their first contracts.
CL leader Joe Young, a volunteer at the Pathfinder Press booth at the 2008 Havana Book Fair, gave the main presentation. Young said more than 250 copies of the new edition of Cuba and the Coming American Revolution were sold at the fair. Pathfinder volunteers are currently translating the new edition into French.
In response to a fund appeal by Michel Prairie, forum participants pledged $1,700 to the Militant fund drive.
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