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Vol. 72/No. 21      May 26, 2008

Fuel prices
In looking for more facts to better understand and discuss skyrocketing gas prices, I searched the Militant’s back issues and found the June 28, 2004 article, “What’s behind the soaring price of fuel?” very useful. The article drew some of its facts from the 2004 Consumer Federation of America (CFA) report. The CFA released a new report in March 2008 that has interesting facts about the role of speculation, the fall in value of the U.S. dollar, and the relationship between prices of gasoline and crude. It would be a good time to run an update of the Militant’s 2004 article.

Ellen Haywood
by e-mail

Campaign talk
Readers of the Militant in the U.S. and around the world may wish to know that they can see a recent talk by Róger Calero on the Internet on YouTube, simply by typing his name in there. He talks about his own political history, the current economic crisis, the fight for immigrant rights, and the need for the working class—we who create all the wealth but never get much back—to have our own political voice. There’s a lot of food for thought in his talk.

Martin Marriott
Seattle, Washington

The letters column is an open forum for all viewpoints on subjects of interest to working people. Please keep your letters brief. Where necessary they will be abridged. Please indicate if you prefer that your initials be used rather than your full name.

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