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Vol. 72/No. 28      July 14, 2008

Socialist Workers announce
ballot effort in New York
(front page)
NEW YORK—The Socialist Workers Party presidential ticket will seek ballot status in 10 states this year, announced Martín Koppel, SWP candidate for U.S. Congress in New York’s 15th District, at a rally here to launch the biggest ballot effort, which will be in New York state. The party has been on the ballot here since 1948.

“In July we plan to collect 30,000 signatures in New York—double the state requirement,” stated Koppel. Petitioning teams will hit the streets starting July 17 and gather the necessary signatures by August 3. Full-time petitioning teams during the weekdays and big mobilizations of campaign supporters over the July 19-20 and July 26-27 weekends will highlight the effort, the socialist candidate said.

The party is already approved for ballot status in New Jersey, Delaware, and Colorado. Over the next couple of months the campaign will also file in Washington, Iowa, Minnesota, Vermont, Louisiana, Florida, and New York.
Related articles:
Socialists on Delaware ballot
Socialist candidate speaks at N.Y. meeting  
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