Vol. 72/No. 30 July 28, 2008
Scott Nicol, a spokesperson for the coalition, introduced the rally, describing the broad opposition to the proposed wall among residents of the Rio Grande Valley region. “This is a disaster wall that only serves to criminalize some of us,” said UTPA student Claudia Tamez.
At a rally at the county courthouse following the march, David Anshen, assistant professor of English at UTPA, said, “This wall is part of the brutal attacks on immigrant communities, nationally and locally.”
Steve Warshell spoke on behalf of Socialist Workers Party presidential candidate Róger Calero. Warshell is the SWP candidate in Texas for U.S. Congress from the 18th District.
“This wall is part of the efforts by politicians from both the Democratic and the Republican parties to deepen the divisions among working people,” he said. “In answer to them, as we have in May Day rallies across the country the last three years, we join with thousands of working people demanding: Legalization for all! Stop the raids and deportations! End Social Security ‘No-Match’ letters!”
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