Vol. 72/No. 30 July 28, 2008
The convention pledged the NAACP’s all-out support for the August 27 march on Washington for jobs, peace, and freedom; outlined its view on the state of Black America; and discussed what attitude to take toward the proposal of a Black running in the Democratic Party presidential primaries. The NAACP is the oldest and largest civil rights organization in the country with nearly 400,000 dues-paying members.
July 28, 1958
After being caged for a year by the U.S. Immigration Service because they sought political asylum from Franco Spain, the Five Spanish Sailors have been ordered released by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
The U.S. authorities were prepared to return the political refugees to the Spanish ship, which would take them back to Franco Spain, where they faced imprisonment or death.
Court action by the American Civil Liberties Union, which went to the aid of the sailors, held up the threatened deportation. But the young refugees had to spend a year in jail while the case was being fought out. The five also received backing from many Los Angeles area union locals.
July 29,1933
Four thousand upholsterers were called out last Thursday, July 27th on a general strike of the industry. The call was issued at the Manhattan Lyceum by the Executive Committee of Local 76 of the American Federation of Labor at a strike meeting of over 800 sitting under banners of 42 of the largest shops of greater New York.
Demonstrations of enthusiasm and spirit swept the hall at the proposal of the chairman, Brother Alpert, for a general strike in the morning for the basic demands of the 30 hour week and the minimum scale of $1.40 per hour. All indications point towards a militant and determined fight to unionize the trade.
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