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Vol. 72/No. 33      August 25, 2008

Hotel workers continue
strikes in Canada

Militant/Toni Gorton

Hundreds of hotel workers and their supporters organized by UNITE HERE Local 75 marched through downtown Toronto July 31 from Nathan Philips Square to the Fairmont Royal York Hotel. There they rallied to press their contract demands.

In Montreal, workers organized by the Confederation of National Trade Unions (CSN) in 15 hotels walked off the job and set up picket lines August 8. Later in the day, some 700 workers marched to the Hyatt Regency Hotel where workers have been on strike since July 19.

Louise, a banquet worker at the Hotel Gouverneurs Place Dupuis, said the workers are in “good shape” for this fight, since “the CSN is currently negotiating contracts for more than 5,000 workers at 41 hotels in Quebec.”

The CSN is fighting for three-year contracts that would reduce the number of rooms chambermaids have to clean and raise wages by 3 percent each year.


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