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Vol. 72/No. 42      October 27, 2008

SWP Party-building Fund is off
and running, slightly behind
The Party-building Fund of the Socialist Workers Party is off and running, but slightly behind target after its first week.

Nationally, contributions collected for the fund currently stand at $7,596, falling short of this week’s target of $10,000. Pledges to the fund today add up to $84,050, which is $5,950 shy of the fund’s $90,000 goal.

Crucial to the success of the fund will be organizing steady weekly collections.

Meetings celebrating the 80-year history of communist continuity of the Socialist Workers Party are being held in cities across the country to raise money for the fund. In Philadelphia, 22 people including five youth turned out October 11 to hear a presentation on the importance of the party’s unbroken communist continuity and pledged some $1,700. The previous night, supporters of the Socialist Workers Party in New York contributed $2,496 at a similar meeting and raised the total local pledges to $11,400.

The SWP Party-building Fund allows the party to fully take advantage of the new opportunities opening up in the class struggle today. As the capitalist crisis deepens and the bosses accelerate their assaults on our class, the ability of the party to respond to the inevitable resistance by the toilers becomes more decisive. To find out how you can contribute to the Party-building Fund contact a distributor on page 6.
Related articles:
The founding of the Socialist Workers Party
Forging a proletarian party on the eve of the second imperialist world war
$90,000 Fall 2008 Party-building Fund chart  
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