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Vol. 72/No. 44      November 10, 2008

Socialist candidate backs
N.Y. strikers, speaks on campus
NEW YORK—Socialist Workers Party presidential candidate Róger Calero took his campaign to the strike picket line at Stella D’Oro Biscuit Co. in the Bronx, October 27.

The strike by 136 members of the Bakery, Confectionary, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union Local 50, which began August 13, is in response to the bosses’ attempt to impose a contract with cuts in wages, holidays, and vacation pay and whose most onerous conditions are aimed at unskilled workers, in an attempt to divide the workforce.

Workers expressed determination not to give in and pride that no one has crossed the line and returned to work, despite attempts by management to lure some skilled workers back, by promising wage increases just for them.

Calero said the capitalist economic crisis will get worse and the attacks on wages and workers’ standard of living will intensify. “What can we do?” asked striker Emilia Dorsu. “We have to do what you’re doing, multiplied by the millions,” Calero said.

One striker subscribed to the Militant, adding to the several bakery workers who have subscriptions to the socialist newsweekly.

At Hunter College in Manhattan the next evening, Calero fielded questions from students. A student originally from Liberia asked whether Democratic Party presidential candidate Barack Obama was really a socialist, since he advocates spreading the wealth. Calero answered, “None of the proposals of Obama or McCain challenges the system of capitalist exploitation. What Obama means by sharing the wealth starts with a pie that never includes the bosses’ profits. It’s a scam to make you believe there is a limited amount of money available. Meanwhile, Obama wants to go line by line through the federal budget to make ‘adjustments.’ What he means are cuts. Socialism is a society organized for the benefit of the majority and with a government that represents the interests of working people and is made up of workers and farmers. That is the kind of government needed to fight for socialism.”
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List of SWP candidates and their ballot status and presidential campaign tour schedule  
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