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Vol. 72/No. 46      November 24, 2008

Many thanks for providing such a quality newspaper to workers and activists. I’m always happy to see the Militant in my mailbox, and I haven’t recycled a single copy since my subscription started last spring.

Tim Gauger
Iowa City, Iowa

Colombian army
Four years ago I met a young Colombian doctor and his wife. He told me his reason for leaving Colombia. I couldn’t make sense of it until the recent news stories about the resignation of the commander of the Colombian army.

The doctor said that army people would bring in dead teenagers, dressed in combat fatigues, for him to certify. He was sickened by it, the number of them, but obeyed orders. I didn’t understand his main point then, that the killed were not FARC or ELN guerrillas, but innocent civilians.

Jim Lambrecht
By e-mail

Attack on Syria
The October 26 attack on Syria is an act of War. How does a helicopter attack on citizens inside their border differ from an airplane attack on citizens in the World Trade Center?

Especially a terrorist attack by a sovereign country (the U.S.) against another sovereign country (Syria) with which the United States is not at war.

H. Allan Pump
By e-mail
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