Vol. 72/No. 47 December 1, 2008
Promoters of the paper in Montreal ordered extra copies to sell at the November 22-24 Salon du Livre book fair in that city.
In Twin Cities, socialist workers have been building a November 19 meeting at the University of Minnesota on Our History Is Still Being Written: The Story of Three Chinese-Cuban Generals in the Cuban Revolution. In the last three weeks, 15 subscriptions to the socialist press have been sold at literature tables helping to build the meeting, reports Rollande Girard.
Distributors of the Militant in Newark, New Jersey, sold 17 subscriptions going door-to-door in predominantly Black working-class communities over the November 15-16 weekend. They are organizing more teams during the week and on Sunday, November 23. Workers are interested in discussing how to confront the effects of the deepening economic crisis and want to read a paper that explains the struggles and fights worldwide to combat its impact.
Carole Lesnick writes that five subscriptions were sold to carpenters in San Francisco who recently won a victory against the bosses’ attempt to block their right to protest unsafe working conditions. Militant supporters in San Francisco sold six subscriptions at a protest against passage of Proposition 8, which denies couples of the same sex the right to marry in California. Seattle and Philadelphia supporters of the paper found a good response at similar actions in their cities, selling six and three subscriptions, respectively.
Because of the Thanksgiving holiday, the final chart for the subscription drive will appear in issue number 49. All subscriptions received by Monday, December 1, will be counted in the final tally.
'Militant' subscription drive: week 7 of 8