Vol. 72/No. 47 December 1, 2008
Lucero was stabbed to death by a racist gang that thought it could attack immigrants with impunity. The outrageous anti-immigrant laws and statements made by the Suffolk County government created an atmosphere that made the killing possible; their repeatedly turning a blind eye to previous anti-immigrant assaults made it inevitable.
The local laws, such as barring landlords from renting to undocumented immigrants and restrictions on where day laborers may gather for work, flow from measures taken by the federal government.
Increased factory raids, trumped-up charges of “identity” theft against undocumented workers, the building of a fortified wall along the U.S-Mexico border, and the hiring of more immigration cops have been implemented with bipartisan support from both Democrats and Republicans.
As the economic crisis heats up there will be more attempts to scapegoat immigrants. To hide the fact that capitalism is the real culprit for unemployment, factory closings, and cutbacks in social services, the capitalist class and its politicians in Washington try to convince working people that immigrants are “stealing American jobs” and draining off needed resources.
Opposing raids, deportations, and anti-immigrant laws is a life-or-death question for the trade unions. More unions should follow the example of Local 32BJ of the Service Employees International Union, which joined the November 14 protest.
Opposing attacks on immigrants will also put us in a better position to fight against the biggest division working people face: that between the employed and unemployed. To combat that we need to demand a massive public works program at union-scale wages and cutting the workweek with no cut in pay.
The thousands who protested in Patchogue show that the working class is not demoralized or beaten down. On the contrary, they are further proof of an emerging political vanguard being forged in today’s struggle. A vanguard that refuses to postpone the struggle for workers rights, justice, and dignity no matter who is sitting in the White House or Congress.
Legalize all immigrant workers now! Stop the raids and deportations! Justice for Marcelo Lucero!
Related articles:
2,000 in N.Y. protest killing of immigrant
County measures encouraged attacks
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