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Vol. 72/No. 50      December 22, 2008

Likes Cuba news
Thanks for the Militant newspaper. It’s very good. I’m Cuban and I like the news about Cuba.

Bronx, New York

The wages system
In the article "U.S. gov't prepares major bank bailout" [October 6 Militant] it states that the Democrats and Republicans "are trying to socialize certain losses of the capitalists."

As you know, there has been much discussion about the government nationalizing certain industries and the banks. Explain that these changes are still capitalist and why.

Also, please explain more on the "wages system” and how we can refer to Marx and Engels to understand all of what we are experiencing. These things are not always easy to understand or explain to each other.

Wendy Banen
New York, New York

Ending wages system?
I understand what it means to break and take power away from the capitalist class and to end the empire. And to dismantle the capitalist state and replace it with a workers and farmers government and then a workers state.

But isn't ending the wages system somewhere further down the road? Won't we still be paid by the hour, a wage, until some time after the revolution?

Kim O'Brien
Willimantic, Connecticut

Related articles:
Ending the wages system
‘Trade unions necessary for working classes in struggle against capital’  
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