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Vol. 73/No. 15      April 20, 2009

Farm workers march
for immigrant rights

Militant/Carole Lesnick

SAN FRANCISCO—Some 2,000 people, mostly farm workers and their families, walk four miles through working-class communities in Salinas, California March 29 to honor Cesar Chavez, the longtime leader of the United Farm Workers union, and to call for “immigration reform.”

Gerardo Sánchez, Socialist Workers Party candidate for city treasurer here, joined a parade and street fair honoring Chavez in this city’s Mission District April 4. The Socialist Workers campaigners called for immediate legalization of all immigrants and an end to raids and deportations. They also demanded U.S. troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan now and pointed to the need for workers to take political power. Sánchez was among the speakers March 29 in Santa Rosa, where hundreds of farm workers and their supporters rallied.

Flyers announcing a May Day march in Watsonville for “immigrant and worker rights” were passed out at the Salinas action.


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