Vol. 73/No. 17 May 4, 2009
Michel Prairie, Communist League candidate for mayor of Montreal, was the featured speaker on the topic “Cuba and the World Today.”
Steele reports the meeting raised $1,116 and an additional $750 in new pledges. Because of the enthusiastic response they are receiving, supporters of the socialist newsweekly in Canada have decided to raise their fund-drive quota from $5,000 to $7,500.
Partisans of the paper in Canada will be holding a fund-raising brunch in Toronto the April 25-26 weekend. Fund meetings will also be taking place in New York and Newark, New Jersey.
Thirty people attended a fund-raising celebration in Seattle on April 18, reports Seattle fund-drive organizer John Naubert. Eleanor García, the Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Congress in the 32nd District in Los Angeles, spoke on “The Accelerating Crisis of Industrial Production and Trade: Why the Working Class Needs to Take Political Power.” García pointed to the Militant as an essential tool for workers in struggle around the world.
Also speaking at the program was Carlos Vara, a janitor and member of the Service Employees International Union. “I like the Militant and I show it to some people where I work,” said Vara. At the meeting $2,700 was pledged or contributed, bringing the total pledges from Seattle to $7,254, over their $7,000 quota.
The $105,000 fund is necessary to help cover the basic operating costs of the paper as well as special reporting trips. The Militant is a workers paper that relies on contributions from readers who appreciate its coverage of the struggles and resistance of workers and toilers and its analysis of the news from the standpoint of the interests of the working class.
With the increased quota from supporters in Canada, only $1,650 more in pledges is needed to make the $105,000 goal. Overall the fund drive is two percent behind schedule.
To make a contribution or contact a distributor of the paper, see page 6 or send your contribution to the Militant at 306 W. 37th St., 10th floor, New York, NY 10018.
'Militant' Fund Drive: Week 3 of 8