Vol. 73/No. 17 May 4, 2009
In Jerusalem there is a youth basketball league that has teams with mixed Jewish and Arab players and Jewish and Arab coaches, according to the Jerusalem Post. “I just wanted to play basketball. At the beginning the team felt separate, but we soon started passing to each other and we learned there is no ‘I’ in team,” 16-year-old Abu Dalu said, according to the Post.
Baxter Smith
Baltimore, Maryland
Clarification on ‘Zionism’
I applaud the clarification on the term “Zionist” in your April 13 issue. I heard “Zionist” used by all kinds of middle-class anti-Semites in areas far afield from Israel. This sickness will grow in the middle classes and infect many workers. We need the Militant to counter both support to the Israeli settler state and anti-Semitism.
Tony Thomas
Miami, Florida
Anti-immigrant student group
In March more than 200 Vanderbilt University students protested outside a public lecture by Bay Buchanan, who was invited to speak by Youth for Western Civilization. The group posted up signs advertising the meeting saying, “Save Our Culture,” “Build That Fence,” and “Deport Illegals.”
In her talk Buchanan called for substantially beefing up border police and deporting all undocumented workers, and said, “English is the foundation of the nation.”
Jack Willey
Nashville, Tennessee
Keep it up
Keep up the great work on the economic basics of Marxism and Afghan history, “Great Game” to present.
Rich Stuart
Seattle, Washington
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