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Vol. 73/No. 18      May 11, 2009

280 ‘Militant’ subscriptions sold in 1 week
(front page)
Supporters of the Militant newspaper are halfway through a special target week to boost the paper's seven-week campaign to win new readers. The target week will end May 3 and coincides with demonstrations across the United States that weekend in defense of immigrants' rights. Building and participating in these demonstrations will help get the subscription campaign back on target.

Last week 280 people subscribed as supporters of the socialist newsweekly organized teams to campuses, working-class neighborhoods, workplaces, and elsewhere. So far 1,182 subscriptions have been sold in the first five weeks. However the campaign is 16 percent behind schedule. With only two weeks to go, a serious effort is needed to bring in the international goal in full and on time.

In New York, Militant supporters Tom Baumann and Alex Ellefson brought the working-class press to the Hunter College campus April 29. They sold two subscriptions including one to Dalina Veliz, treasurer for the sorority Alpha Phi Omega, who then invited them to speak to the group about May Day. Baumann spoke about the importance of the fight for legalization for all immigrants and invited the sorority's members to join the May 1 demonstrations. Eight people from the group said they wanted to participate.

Dan Fein, Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor of New York City, campaigned with his supporters at a meeting April 28 to mark Immigrant Rights Awareness Day at Suffolk County Community College. They sold three subscriptions at the meeting and another three later that day campaigning at the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

Supporters of the paper in southern California participated in the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books April 25-26, held at the University of California at Los Angeles campus. Forty-four subscriptions to the socialist newsweekly were sold in addition to some $1,300 in revolutionary literature published by Pathfinder Press.

As the unique voice of the working class, the Militant is a necessary tool for working people looking to defend ourselves and advance our class interests in the face of the bosses' counterrevolutionary assault on our standard of living. Opportunities to reach out broadly with this revolutionary perspective will be plentiful as supporters participate in demonstrations May 1 and continue to carry out political work on campuses and workplaces.

Readers of the Militant are encouraged to help in this effort. To find out how you can participate, contact a local distributor listed on page 6.

'Militant' Subcription Drive: Week 5

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