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Vol. 73/No. 20      May 25, 2009

Benito Juárez
I really enjoyed Steve Warshell’s article “Benito Juárez, Mexican revolutionary democrat.”

Ali el Amir
New York, New York

Excellent part of my classes
Keep up the excellent work. Your analyses are an excellent part of my classes on violations of human rights, etc.

Asha Samad-Matías
New York, New York

Tony Roberts 1943-2008
This is to inform comrades of the death from cancer of my beloved husband and lifelong socialist, Tony Roberts, some months ago at the age of 64. Older comrades will remember Tony, who received some of his early political education in the United States with Joe Hansen, who he always considered his political mentor.

Tony was a leading member of the Tendency in the International Marxist Group in the 1970s and also served on the International Committee of the Fourth International, before forming the League for Socialist Action in the United Kingdom.

Tony was a lifelong supporter of the politics of the American SWP, including its proletarian trajectory, Lenin’s position on the revolution of oppressed nations, and support for the Cuban Revolution. He always read the Militant online, even during his very difficult last weeks.

I am sending a donation in Tony’s memory and I would be very pleased to hear from comrades who remember him.

Pauline Roberts
London, England
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