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Vol. 73/No. 29      August 3, 2009

Pathfinder draws interest
at Harlem Book Fair
Militant/Dan Fein

Readers browse the Pathfinder Press booth at the 11th annual Harlem Book Fair in New York City held on July 18. The book fair, an annual event of book tables, artistic performances, and readings by authors, was well attended by many in the area and the surrounding region. Pathfinder Press’s booth was a center of political discussion throughout the day, with nearly $400 in sales. The 32 titles sold include Pathfinder’s newest book Capitalism and the Transformation of Africa and New International no. 14, the latest in the magazine series, with the lead article “Revolution, Internationalism, and Socialism: The Last Year of Malcolm X.” Books of speeches by Malcolm X and Thomas Sankara, president of Burkina Faso’s revolutionary government from 1983 to 1987, were also in demand.


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