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Vol. 73/No. 40      October 19, 2009

Sweden youth attracted
to Pathfinder titles
Militant/Dag Tirsén

GOTHENBURG, Sweden—Many young people stopped by the Pathfinder books booth at the Gothenburg Book Fair September 24-27. The newest issue of Ny International was the best seller with seven copies purchased. It features the article Revolution, Internationalism, and Socialism: The Last Year of Malcolm X translated into Swedish. Titles about women’s liberation were also popular. Among those sold were three copies of Problems of Women’s Liberation and two copies of Cosmetics, Fashion, and the Exploitation of Women.

Sixteen of those who stopped by purchased subscriptions to the Militant after reading the coverage on the killing of abortion provider Dr. George Tiller and the mobilizations in response defending abortion rights.

The book fair is one of the main cultural events in Sweden, attracting about 100,000 visitors every year. While many stopped and looked at the books and pamphlets in the Pathfinder booth, it was young visitors who left with a book or a subscription to the Militant.


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