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Vol. 73/No. 49      December 21, 2009

Rising U.S. hunger
The 4 percent absolute rise in working people facing hunger relative to the entire U.S. population between 2007 and 2008 reported by Brian Williams in the November 30 Militant correctly reflects the Census Bureau report cited. More tellingly of the precipitous decline in working-class conditions within the space of a year this means 36 percent more people lack access to adequate food.

Karl Butts
Tampa Bay, Florida

UK postal strike
Your report [November 23 Militant] on calling off the United Kingdom postal workers’ strike referred to the Business Secretary Lord Mandelson’s earlier proposal for what he called a “partial privatization” of Royal Mail. Most postal workers do not see this as partial but as a first stage of a total privatization.

Murdo Ritchie
Glasgow, United Kingdom

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