Vol. 74/No. 5 February 8, 2010
New Pathfinder title in bookstores |
Militant/George Alvarez-Bouse
NEW YORKHere it is! a Brooklyn street vender exclaimed, showing Malcolm X, Black Liberation, and the Road to Workers Power to his son. This response to Pathfinder Presss newest title reflected the effective distribution work that had been done for the book. Buyers were waiting when sales representatives visited. At a bookstore in Miamis Little Haiti neighborhood, which had been advertising the book for several weeks prior to publication, the buyer purchased seven copies on the spot. At Nicholas Variety in Brooklyn (above), the owner will be including the book in her next order. Sales representatives in the San Francisco Bay Area also got promises for several orders. As in other cities, they will be building on this success to show the new title to other booksellers in their region and beyond. CANDACE WAGNER Related articles: Militant supporters respond to interest in communist paper Sell the book on Workers Power Vanguard place of Blacks dates to Reconstruction Front page (for this issue) | Home | Text-version home |