Vol. 74/No. 22 June 7, 2010
This is Markley’s third conviction for attacks on clinics. He was also convicted on two assault charges last year. He received suspended sentences in both prior convictions. This conviction will have a big impact on the fight to defend the right to safe, legal abortion from right-wing attack.
The right-wing forces immediately escalated their antiabortion campaign. Joseph Scheidler, head of the Pro-Life Action League, came to Birmingham.
Greater Birmingham National Organization for Women quickly organized supporters to provide patient escorts and pickets at two clinics.
June 6, 1960
Rocked by giant labor-student demonstrations, the right-wing government of Japanese Premier Kishi is fighting to save itself, its military pact with the U.S. and its plans for welcoming President Eisenhower on June 19.
Eight consecutive days of anti-government demonstrations were climaxed with a tremendous outpouring May 26.
More than 200,000 workers and high school and college students besieged the Diet (parliament) in Tokyo and an estimated two million people staged protests throughout the country.
Kishi was unable to leave his office for twelve hours as the marchers ringed the building chanting, “Ike, Don’t Come,” and “Eisenhower, Stay Home.” They roared their opposition to the military treaty and demanded new Diet elections.
June 8, 1935
Beginning August first, the New Militant will appear as an eight-page publication in an enlarged eight-column format.
With this change we will make a new and a great leap forward. Double space will be available for more news from the field of the class struggle, about the activities of the trade union militants, and for new features as well as for analytical and theoretical articles.
The need for this change is obvious. Throughout the country the workers find themselves today face to face with new attacks upon their standard of living and new attacks against their organizations. Momentous battles are on the order of the day. Great events are in the making on an international scale where the extension of Fascism is threatening and the imperialist powers are rushing headlong into another world war.
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