Vol. 74/No. 37 October 4, 2010
Militant/Dan Fein |
Militant supporter Francisco Cambero selling Malcolm X, Black Liberation, and the Road to Workers Power in Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, September 18. |
In the United States, socialist workers in Des Moines, Iowa, are leading the way in reaching out with the Workers Power book and the Militant, as SWP candidates there run a spirited election campaign to present a working-class alternative. The Militant and the book are promoted as campaign literature for any worker, farmer, or student who is interested in the ideas of the candidates. Several international areas have also gotten off to a good start.
Local areas have adopted more ambitious goals for the campaign over the past week. Quotas are now higher based on discussions about the political openings to reach out to workers and youth, taking advantage of socialist election campaigns, and the fact that many socialist workers are in big factories with more coworkers who express interest in working-class answers to the capitalist crisis.
One reader of the Militant, Jay Rothermel, sent us a suggestion to offer to other readers to help in this campaign:
I recently purchased the Workers Power book from the Pathfinder Web site. It is an exciting and very accessible book. I work in a call center in Cleveland, Ohio.
The book cover sparked a lot of comment in the break room. Most of my coworkers are young Black women. After I finished the book, it began making the rounds. One coworker has borrowed it for the weekend already and may purchase a copy of her own. She found it easy to start reading because she began with the captions in the many splendid photo sections, which emphasize a political understanding of what the photos are depicting. She was particularly moved by the photos of Black legislators in the South during Radical Reconstruction. I didn't know anything about this. I really have to educate myself, she said.
This book is a powerful tool. My advice to those who have purchased their copy already is to take it to work, be seen reading it, and be ready to hand it around. What better reason is there to go to work?
Any readers who would like to help can contact a distributor near them. They are listed on page 8.
Related articles:
Malcolm X, Black Liberation, and Road to Workers Power & 'Militant.'
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