Vol. 74/No. 41 November 1, 2010
A dozen people attended an event in Boston on October 16 featuring Willie Cotton, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Senate in New York. Cotton said the press has played up the role of capitalist enterprises in the efforts to free the Chilean miners, but he noted the unsafe conditions that led to the accident. We need to organize to have safety on the job in the hands of workers, that is what the Socialist Workers Party candidates are raising in this election, he said.
Among those attending was a worker originally from Peru, and a student from Boston College, who spent the day campaigning for the local socialist candidates, Kevin Dwire for governor and Laura Garza for U.S. Congress, 8th District. At the meeting some $710 in new pledges were made.
There were about 60 people at the New York fund meeting October 16 where Omari Musa, Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor of Washington, D.C., was the speaker. Several youth attended. One was Nyron McDonald, a sophomore at Queens College, who is part of a socialist group on campus. Socialist campaign supporters met members of this group as they were boarding buses for the October 2 demonstration for jobs.
We collected more than $4,000 at the meeting and our pledges rose to $19,700 out of $20,000, so we are poised to go well over our goal, writes Cindy Jaquith, a leader of the fund drive campaign in New York.
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Party-building fund (chart)
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