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Vol. 74/No. 44      November 22, 2010

25, 50 and 75 years ago
November 22, 1985
NEWARK—“I finally made it," Rubin "Hurricane" Carter told John Artis, after U.S. District Court Judge H. Lee Sarokin released Carter from custody November 8. Artis was his codefendant in the triple murder frame-up 19 years ago.

The decision to release the former number one middleweight boxing contender took place after the judge, in a 70-page ruling, overturned the 1976 conviction of Carter and Artis.

Sarokin said that original 1967 trial and the 1976 retrial convictions were based "upon an appeal to racism rather than reason and concealment rather than disclosure," and that "the jury was permitted to draw inferences of guilt based solely upon the race" of the defendants.

Carter and Artis had steadfastly maintained their innocence and called the case what it was, a frame-up.  
November 21, 1960
Nov. 16—While Democrats and Republicans continued to insist that the crisis facing humanity today centers in Moscow and Havana, the rest of the world had its eyes centered on the crisis that blazed up in New Orleans when four small Negro girls entered first grade in two previously all-white schools.

By today the mobs had grown to an estimated 5,000 and they were becoming more and more belligerent as state officials covertly encouraged them to violent action.

Washington observers today said they consider it the worst crisis in "federal-state relations" since federal troops were sent into Little Rock in 1957 to enforce token school segregation like that now being attempted in New Orleans.  
November 23, 1935
Britain's great show of defending the national rights of the Ethiopian people is not making such a hit since Britain's own national problem burst forth last week in Wafdist (nationalist) riots in Egypt. At the very moment when Sir Samuel Hoare, the British Foreign Secretary, is oozing righteous sympathy for the poor Ethiopians, and calling for a vastly enlarged navy, for the purposes of defending Ethiopia no doubt, six Egyptians are killed and more than a hundred wounded in riots of resentment against a speech on the Egyptian question by Sir Samuel Hoare.

Egypt stands to Britain much as our own Philippines stand to the United States.

The riots are significant in a larger sense as an indication of the colonial unrest stimulated by the Ethiopian war.  
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