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Vol. 75/No. 3      January 24, 2011


Truth and facts
Keep up the great work. Truth and facts have a place in the discussion of America's future going up against an all surrounding corporate media.

Thomas Murata
Brooklyn, New York

Len Stanton
Len Stanton, a long-time friend and supporter of the Socialist Workers Party died in Philadelphia December 28. He was 93 years old.

Len became political in his teens and joined the Communist Party during World War II after he was witch-hunted out of a government job. He quit the CP in the 1950s.

In the mid-1960s, two of his sons, Fred and Bob, joined the Young Socialist Alliance and then the Socialist Workers Party. Len became interested in the SWP and what it stood for. He began reading some of the party’s books, including The Third International after Lenin, and said his eyes had been opened on questions he had always had about the CP.

Len, along with his wife Emma, attended many national conferences and conventions of the party. While in his ’80s he became active as a formatter in the Print Project, an organization of supporters of the SWP who help organize the production of Pathfinder books. He resigned from the project a few years later when his health began to deteriorate, but continued to make financial contributions and read the Militant and Pathfinder books.

Emma is still active, and says she continues to enjoy the Militant.

John Studer
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Very interested in paper
I am very interested in the Militant newspaper. I would like to know if you have any issues that you may send me.

A prisoner
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