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Vol. 75/No. 3      January 24, 2011

25, 50 and 75 years ago
January 24, 1986
Chester Crocker, the Reagan administration's assistant secretary of state for African affairs, arrived in South Africa January 12 for a three-day visit.

Crocker's mission was to reaffirm the U.S. government's long-standing alliance with the South African regime and refusal to break ties with it.

The Crocker trip is a part of the Reagan administration's stepped-up support to South African aggression against Angola and other countries in southern Africa.

South Africa invaded Angola with 4,000 troops on December 2, the third invasion in eight months.

Crocker visited Angola to press for the removal of thousands of Cuban internationalist volunteers from the country.

Since South Africa first massively invaded Angola in 1975, Cuban troops have provided a line of defense.  
January 23, 1961
BRUSSELS, Jan. 16—At the end of three weeks of struggle, the workers of Belgium stand firm in the whole of the heavy industrial region of the French-speaking South as well as in the more class-conscious sections of the Flemish North.

The afternoon of Jan. 5 saw a massive demonstration in Liege which showed the insurrectional temper of the Walloon (French-speaking) working class.

The southern part of the country is the oldest industrial region in continental Europe. Its wealth is founded on coal and heavy industry. It possesses a large and tightly knit industrial working class with a high level of class consciousness.

The unions are largely under the control of relatively young and dynamic leaders who emerged during the war or the postwar period.  
January 25, 1936
In the investigations by the Nye Senatorial Commission of the part played by the House of Morgan in the last world war, the fact—previously so well known to Marxists—that the real cause of America's entrance into the war was furnished by the interests of finance capital, has now become clearly established. The quest for profits by the great financiers determined, in each decisive instance, the policy of the Wilson administration. Their fear of the loss of hundreds of millions, already invested, together with the fear of cutting off profits and prosperity for American business finally decided the issue.

The voluminous evidence introduced into the committee hearings should remove all doubt of this fact. Viewed in the light of the present Roosevelt neutrality policy all this evidence should receive added attention.  
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