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Vol. 75/No. 6        February 14, 2011


Militant Labor Forums

Los Angeles
Behind California's 'Budget Crisis': Rulers Target Public Workers, Social Wage.

Speaker: Eleanor García, Socialist Workers Party candidate for City Council.
Fri., Feb. 11, 7:30 p.m. Suggested donation: $5.
4025 S Western Ave.
Tel.: (323) 295-2600.

San Francisco
Protest Deepening Attacks on Working People by California State Government!

Fri., Feb. 11, 7:30 p.m.
5482 Mission St.
Tel.: (415) 584-2135.

The American Civil War: A Victory for Working People.

Fri., Feb. 11, 7:30 p.m. Suggested donation: $5.
719 NE 79th St.
Tel.: (305) 757-8869.

Des Moines
Workers Rights vs. the Secret Police.

Sat., Feb. 12, 7:30 p.m.
3707 Douglas Ave.
Tel. (515) 225-1707.

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