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Vol. 75/No. 9      March 7, 2011

‘Appalled’ at gov’t assault,
workers buy ‘Militant’
MADISON, Wisconsin—As tens of thousands demonstrated here to protest the union-busting bill proposed by Gov. Scott Walker, discussions about the capitalist economic crisis and the need to defend working people convinced many to buy copies of the Militant newspaper. Over a couple of days, February 18-19, socialist workers sold some 240 single issues of the Militant, along with 40 introductory subscriptions.

Steve Shea got a subscription. His friend Todd Reinhardt, who held a handmade sign that said, “Willing to die for my union rights,” picked up a single.

Shea explained that he and his coworkers are “appalled by what the governor is trying to ram down workers’ throats.

“I want the Militant because my political leanings go toward socialist values,” he said. “I used to be a proud Democrat, but over the last five years I got tired of voting and not seeing results.”

A group of five high school students from Milwaukee purchased a Militant subscription and the pamphlet The Working Class and the Transformation of Learning: The Fraud of Education Reform under Capitalism by Jack Barnes. A young woman in the group, Gabe Charles, explained, “We’ll also be marching in Chicago March 10 for legalization of immigrant workers.”

Jolynn Woehrer stopped by a Socialist Workers literature table to pick up a one-year Militant subscription renewal. She had been introduced to the paper at the National Organization for Women convention in Indianapolis a few years ago. “This is a beginning of people taking things into their own hands,” she said.

Participants from a tea party counter rally also stopped by the literature table. Some engaged in discussions with socialist workers and a few purchased the Militant.
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