Vol. 75/No. 10 March 14, 2011
The National Health Service has cut 11,000 jobs in the last year. The initial impact of this was revealed in January with reports that heart surgery and cancer operations were being cancelled, and seriously ill children had to travel about 100 miles to receive care at pediatric units.
The cuts to local government funding is compounded with other attacks on the social wage, including a rise in the retirement age to 66, education cuts, and a 50 percent reduction in the budget for building state subsidized housing.
Union officials have largely blamed the Tory/Liberal government while avoiding a fight with Labour local authorities, who are implementing the cuts. Labour Party leader Edward Miliband, who will speak at the March 26 action, argues, for example, that what is wrong with the cuts is that they are too far and too fast.
The governments elimination of jobs comes with unemployment already standing at almost 2.5 million. The official inflation rate rose to 4 percent in January. For working people this figure has little to do with what most affects their livesfood, energy, and housing costs. Food inflation is estimated at 4.6 percent.
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