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Vol. 75/No. 13      April 4, 2011

Contribute to int’l team at
Tahrir Square Book Fair
(front page)

There has been an enthusiastic response by readers of the Militant to the announcement of an international team of socialist workers headed to Cairo, Egypt, for the Tahrir Square Book Fair March 31-April 3. The socialists hail from the United States, Canada, France, Lebanon, and the United Kingdom.

In San Francisco, a participant in the Militant Labor Forum suggested passing the hat and $125 was raised on the spot. A similar fund pitch at the New York Militant Labor Forum raised $1,234. Thousands will be needed to cover travel, shipments, and subsidies for attractive discounts on Pathfinder books and subscriptions to the Militant in Egypt. To contribute, send a check made out to the Militant, 306 W 37th St. 10th Floor, New York, NY 10018.


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From Iowa to Egypt: workers reach out with the ‘Militant’  
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